Sunday, December 18, 2011

Simple Soup

Simple Soup Receipe
I have been cooking Bee's Basic Baby Porridge for months now! I actually enjoy eating it. It feels healthy and light. Bee says this is very versatile and just learning a few techniques can open new doors. So this time instead of porridge I used the same general idea to make soup.

Simple Soup Receipe


4 cups chicken broth
1 medium size white potato
1 medium size sweet potato
1 carrot 
21 salute/salt to taste (optional)


Wash and peel potatoes and carrot.
Cut into smaller chunks.
Add all ingredients to pot.
Set the heat on high and bring to a boil. Then cover low heat for 30 minutes. 
Add 3 dashes of 21 salute or a bit of salt.

Wah lah soup! It's perfect for a babies and adults alike. My husband was actually the one to gobble this pot up. Now I feel like a budding cook again! He ate it w/ saltine crackers.;)

1 comment:

arsyparsy said...

Just a comment to say I am in love with your blog! I stumbled upon it looking for Vietnamese chicken recipes... And I am so glad it led me to your page!
All the recipes you post seem so simple and tasty which is especially useful for me since I am still new to cooking. Keep it up! Can't wait for your future posts :D!