Recipe: Onion Wonton Envelopes
Oil for deep frying
Wonton wrappers
2-3 Onions
1 egg for sealing
Chop the onions by cutting ends then slicing the onion in half. Place the cut side on the board and slice. Take a wonton wrapper lay it out, place the onions in the middle. Fold the ends up creating an envelope and seal it with a kiss (no seal it with some egg wash) where the onions are fully enclosed. Deep fry the envelopes until they are golden brown.
We had extra wonton wrappers laying around and I was scouring the kitchen for some ingredients. Avocado I thought? hmm.. okay maybe not. I found an onion. The recipe I made yielded only about 10 wontons. So if you are using a full package I'd recommend maybe 2-3 onions. I like onion rings! Similar I think but w/ a twist. My baby cousins helped me wrap up these cute little envelopes. It was fun and yums to eat.
haha. not bad. ;)
This is very creative...you are getting better, Budding Cook. :)
Better than onion rings, more crunch and crisp with those wonton skins :)
Good way of using left overs.
Did you add any seasoning (salt/pepper) to the onions?
Sounds yummy! I wonder how it would taste with sweet onions...
mushroom- :D
rasa - :) hehe thank-you
tiger- yes it was very tasty.
wokandspoon - you know what? i should have. :D hehe
yuzu- i think it would taste yummy too!
heh heh, looks easy except for the deep-frying part! :) I'm so lazy to clean up the stove after deep-frying anything!
Hey, now that you're experimenting and achieving yummy results, you'll turn from budding cook to full-fledged cook. ;)
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